Friday, February 9, 2007

Pseudo Intellectuals beware

hi guys,
Well a lot of my friends were always asking me why i never created a blog and i always shrugged my shoulders in reply. Today I have created one and i did so with nervous, shivering fingers. Don't get me wrong, its not that i have nothing to say or am scared of people reading my thoughts the reason is much more scary than that. To tell you the truth I'm petrified of pseudo intellectuals. I can't stand to breathe in the same space as someone who must always say something about everything. I'm embarrassed to a puddle of murky water when i see someone pouring garbage out of their mouths with a look of smugness on their face.

So all you people, please do me this favour- DO NOT BULLSHIT. This is my space and I've created it not to look smart or feel smart or boost any ones ego. I would welcome all sincere posts and comments, no matter how badly they're worded or how short they are. What i will not allow are posts written out of an idiotic need to sound like u know it all. So please ppl, do away with the habit of writing your posts on MS word and then using the "synonym" option to replace the nice and simple words with "blogertronianticious" ones. Thanks but no Thanks:). Blogs to me have come to mean the same as "bullshit-logs" and i don't want this space to turn into that. I want it to be real... I want all of you to be real. Don't read my posts if it doesn't make sense to you as i write for myself and not for anyone else.

Thanks for your patience,


"keep it real!"


Unknown said...
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Cruel Intentions said...

Wow! I love this one. A Friend NoMore once told me I should write for Myself. And I wrote...

Today I am happy once again as I read this one. Keep it goingbuddy. Will return for more.

♥ Amorous Angel ♥ said...
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♥ Amorous Angel ♥ said...

Well Garima, I have always respected your views..They were so similar and different at the same time to mine own..U know what, thats one reason why i like u and respect you as a person and a friend and I do get ur point since i always do blogging for my own sake..Welcome to Blogspot babe!!