Wednesday, January 9, 2008

When God's attack!!


- Garima Bhatt

Can I throw up my hands and surrender?

Must I endure these spiteful flames?

Are these the fires that harden rough coal?

And roast it into a precious jewel

Or is it merely the fury that hell emanates?

To test a soldiers fortitude?

Isolation.. then constant collisions

Getting minced between when and now

Good intentions, your constant suggestion

Can you please stop telling me how….how!!

Your shifty eyes conceal something sinister

Your awkward smile can barely hide

The ever so glorious smirk of pride

The haunting whispers, behind my back

There’s nowhere to hide when God’s attack!

I know you feel like a mighty defeater

But reason should have taught you better

The phoenix singes into delightful flames

Into a lifeless grey from scarlet red.

But no sooner than you turn your head

I shall rise again from this humble dust

In greater glory and blinding light

Kneel and pray, if you must

I’m ready to face a fiercer fight.