Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Phoenix rises

You know those times when you read what you wrote a few days back and feel nothing short of a jack ass. As i stare at the screen and read my last post...i can see on the own screen my own reflection (in a very filmy style) pointing her finger back at me and laughing the loudest laugh ive heard in my life. The person who i wrote that letter to has thrown my heart on the floor and danced on the shattered pieces.
As i stared at him that day...blood pouring down my face i knew that the last few years have been a waste of life. For i know today that was right before those years when i knew that love was myth.. invented and promoted to by men to keep the women under their control and to ensure the propagation and purity of their blood line. Its nothing but a farce and its all a matter of convenience. And to all u bastards who are smirking reading this and thinking it to be ramblings of a scorn woman i wish u cud see which finger im holding up to u right now.

So i post this today...and say all this publicly so that if ever in my life i write a soppy lovey post this post reminds me of the TRUTH and snap me back from the "love spell". And if any of my frenz out there read this..if i ever come to u claiming to have met "the love of my life" my request u to is this----------"SLAP MY FACE AS HARD AS YOU CAN AND SCREAM IN MY EAR AS LOUD AS YOU CAN AND IF YOU CAN FIND A BLUNT WEAPON HIT MY HEAD AND CRACK IT OPEN" so i get reminded what "love" really feels like.

So all you ppl from my past..if you had already mourned the loss of the "old Garima" good news for u---- I'M BACK!! Like the phoenix that burns itself to ashes and from those ashes she is born again in all our scarlet and flaming glory...brighter and more beautiful than she was ever before. So guys if we fought coz i had changed...let the bygones be bygones and lets start again..where we left of. And to those who told me they were so happy by the changes in me..i guess you wont like what you see but too bad my friends for I tried walking your path...and truly- IT SUCKS! I dont want to be "nice and good" i dont want the world to love me and i really dont care abt being the topic of a roadside tea joint discussion. But after very long I'm laughin, hopping and being the light and life of the whole room and i LOVE "me" this way.
More shall come soon i guess coz everything is blocked on my office comp...and not much work to do...

go get yourself a beer from me
Party on